Thursday, June 16, 2022

Industrial Oz Poem and Interview With Krista Hiser, Director at University of Hawai'i Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum

Industrial Oz

is a drug to keep us
away from ourselves.

On a three-day solo fasting
in the North Cascades

illusions vanish, and
three options appear in dreams

by a wildflower creek:
1) Pretend life on Earth isn’t dying.

2) Pretend humans aren’t to blame.
3) Speak and write the truth.

I'm grateful for a recent interview with Krista Hiser, Director at University of Hawai'i Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum. 

Today Matt McGrath reported at in "Climate change: Bonn talks end in acrimony over compensation" "'The climate emergency is fast becoming a catastrophe,' said Conrod Hunte, lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)." The article continues, "At last year's COP26 conference in Glasgow, island states and developing countries agreed to prioritise cuts to carbon emissions on the back of promises that richer nations would finally set up a compensation process this year. [ . . . . ] But despite two weeks of discussions here in Bonn, they have been unable to get the issue of a funding facility on the agenda for the COP27 conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in November."

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