Thursday, February 27, 2020

Updated Best Practices for Climate Crisis (February 2025)

Used with permission of Extinction Rebellion Seattle.
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas

Nation = None (Updated February 2025)

Leader = Mary Robinson, former President of IrelandUN Secretary-General António Guterres’ of Portugal (text version here)

City = Vancouver, B. C.

College = Middlebury in Vermont

Organization = Extinction Rebellion,, and Olympic Climate Action

Individual = Roger Hallam and Tim DeChristopher

Scientist = James HansenHans Joachim SchellnhuberStefan Rahmstorf (A Shut Off AMOC -- Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Driven by a North/South Saltwater Density Pump -- “is a Distaster We Need to Avoid at All Costs”), Johan Rockström (on a +2 and +3 degree world), and Kevin Anderson (Jun 8, 2023)

Former Academic = Jem Bendell

Existential Risks = Luke Kemp

Sociologist = Dana R. Fisher

Accelerated Warming Math = Eliot Jacobson ("2.0 [degrees C above year 1850 baseline] may come in the late 2030s" [unless various tipping points are crossed making it much sooner].

Humor = The Yes Men

Lawyers = Tim Crosland, Extinction Rebellion spokesperson and Director of Plan B.EarthJulia Olson, executive director and chief legal counsel for Our Children’s TrustColette Pichon Battle, and Thomas Linzey

Organizer = Bill McKibben

Youth Climate Movement = Greta Thunberg and Xiye Bastida

Musician = Ruth MundyLudovico Einaudi, and Coldplay

Rap Artist = Baba Brinkman

Writer = Thomas BerryElizabeth Kolbert, and Dahr Jamail

Dance Performance = KT Nelson's Dead Reckoning 

Thinker = Paul Kingsnorth and Derrick Jensen

Economist = Manfred Max-Neef

Actuary = Sandy Trust 

Climate Prophecy = The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future by Erik M. Conway and Naomi Oreskes

Movie Star = Leonardo DiCaprioJoaquin Phoenix, and Russell Crowe

Banker = Mark Carney, Bank of England Governor

Innovator = Dr. Ye Tao (RF Alumnus of Rowland Institute at Harvard) for The MEER:ReflEction Project, Dr. Leslie Field

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