Thursday, February 21, 2019

William Happer was Refuted by Michael C. MacCracken in 2011

This morning when I saw President Trump appointed William Happer to consider a Climate Panel, I thought it was a bad dream. It wasn't. He did.
In yesterday's Washington Post article "White House prepares to scrutinize intelligence agencies’ finding that climate change threatens national security," Francesco Femia, chief executive of the Council on Strategic Risks and co-founder of the Center for Climate and Security, was quoted “This is the equivalent of setting up a committee on nuclear-weapons proliferation and having someone lead it who doesn’t think nuclear weapons exist [. . .] It’s honestly a blunt-force political tool designed to shut the national security community up on climate change.” 

Happer is an extremely bad choice. If Trump's plan proceeds, I imagine space aliens watching and remarking "It's too late. Their brains are fried."

Dennis Silvermana retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine, has a good blog post about Happer. 

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