Monday, May 2, 2016

Anti-Nuclear / Climate Change Reading in Mobius Art Gallery at Cascadia College

Columbia River Near Hanford, Late Afternoon, Dianne Dickeman, Photo: Richard Nicol
April 26 I read with Kathleen Flenniken, former Washington State Poet Laureate, Nancy Dickeman, Ellie Belew, and Chelsea Bolan at the Particles on the Wall Exhibit which featured our work in the gallery.  One listener recorded my reading so I included six poems below. If your college or university is interested in climate change, I will gladly read poems and answer questions if you provide transportation and a place to stay.  My email is  Regarding this issue, I like the words of UC Berkeley poet John Shoptaw: "If you're not a green poet, whatever other kind of poet you are, you're not paying attention." The James Hansen-led warning (peer reviewed and published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics) is explained below my poem "Antarctic Dream After Watching Chasing Ice.

"At the Nevada Nuclear Test Site"
"Plutonium Fish"
"Antarctic Dream After Watching Chasing Ice"
Dr. James E. Hansen on Ice Melt (YouTube)

"Coyote's Prediction"
"Glacial River Poem"

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